Thursday, August 1, 2013

Degenerated (Damaged) Low Back Discs: Why Back Pain Becomes Chronic?

Folks of West Hartford, It's Easy To Understand, remember back in High School biology class, you probably saw a human skeleton in the corner (maybe even decorated for the holidays). As you looked closer at the skeleton, you saw many bones that look very organized. Even the spine (back bone) had curves, a large curve in the low back with a gradual curve in the mid back and finally a curve in the neck.

Think SLINKY (more than a wonderful toy).

The SLINKY is flexible, bendy and can stretch very far from end to end. The reason why the SLINKY can do all it's entertaining tricks is because of it's CURVES. The curves provide the flexibility. Your spine MUST have NORMAL STRUCTURE aka normal curves to be flexible.

Stiff as a board or Flexible as flower?

When you lose your normal structure of your spine, your spine becomes less flexible causing degeneration(damage) in your spinal discs and degeneration (damage)to your vertebrae (spinal bones).
This degeneration of your discs and bones leads to chronic low back pain, neck pain, upper back pain and headaches just to name a few.

At Advanced Chiropractic, we want you to know that we are not a conventional chiropractor, so let me explain the difference.

"Conventional Chiropractors" have three goals;

  1. Decrease Muscular spasm
  2. Increase range of motion
  3. reduce pain
This is what MOST conventional chiropractors offer in the way of care, and I believe that most of these folks do a great job at what they do.

Unlike conventional chiropractors, here at Advanced Chiropractic, we focus on Structural Correction by utilizing, specific spinal corrections, structural remodeling tables, and complementary recommendations in an effort to correct abnormal structural shifts of the spine.

When it comes to normal, we're not expecting anyone to be perfect. However, if your head is displaced more than 30mm (Objective Indicator) beyond what's considered acceptable, you have Anterior Head Syndrome a abnormal structural shift of the spine. Your head shifting forward is no different than your car being forced out of alignment, foundation of your house sinking on one side by just a couple of inches.

How do you think your car will ride, and what damage will be done to your house because of the foundation?  This abnormal shift in your spine causes these Secondary Conditions, for example degenerated discs, low back pain, neck pain, sciatic and headaches.

Now, would you just put a nail in the squeaky floor or a new tire on the car or would dig a little deeper to correct the Mal-alignment of the car and correct the UN-balance in your foundation? What would you folks do first if it were your home or your car?

You would get someone to fix the foundation and correct the car alignment, because you KNOW if that is NOT done you will have these Secondary Conditions... back pain, degeneration of the discs, degeneration of the bones, etc.

If you have low back pain, then of course we will be looking to see if you have the normal curve in the low back, if your pelvis is level and if you have Anterior Head Syndrome. All these abnormalities put harsh pressures on the discs and cause pain.


There are four signs that are clear indicators of a Structural Shift. These indicators are not related to age or genetics. They are a result of physical trauma, chemical toxins (processed foods, chemicals, etc.) and unadapted stress (we all have stress, this is normal, yet when not coped with this becomes a problem) that have disrupted the normal function of the spine. They include

  1. Anterior Head Syndrome
  2. Degenerated disc
  3. Degenerated bone
  4. Nerve Impingement Syndrome

 Structural Examination

We take Structural Corrective Radiography's, most conventional chiropractors do not (because it is not necessary for their goals) - these films will determine the presence of degenerated bones and discs as well as show Anterior Head Syndrome and will show any abnormal structural shift in the curves.

Then we use a Structural Anaylsis Machine that will indentify abnormal loading of the spine (unbalanced) and then we use Digital Structural Photography, which will confirm any Anterior Head Syndrome and other structural shifts of the spine.

More than one way to cook an egg

We are not your only option, there are many and we only offer Structural Correction. During your consult we will go over in detail what all your options are and what exactly we do in our office to help you.

Our goal for you

Is to direct your spine to what's considered normal. By doing so, this will relieve pressure on the discs, which subsequently will relieve pressure on the nerves, thus improving or correcting your abnormal structural shift.

So, if you have low back pain, when we move your lumbar spine (low back) into a normal range this relieves the pressure to your discs and nerves which will then relieve your pain.

If this makes sense to you, then call our office at 860.523.5465 and schedule for your complimentary consult or our group presentation called, Chiropractic:101.

When you schedule for either we will have a Gift Certificate waiting for your for $50.00 off our Structural Examination and will also include our Structural Correction with any Structural Rehab. This is a thank you for reading our blog.

Have a GREAT Day!

About Dr. Chris...

Dr. Chris Chase is a Chiropractor that focuses on the Structural Correction of the spine at his practice Advanced Chiropractic, located in West Hartford,CT.  In contrast to traditional chiropractors whose goal is to provide temporary relief of pain, Dr. Chase's goal is to shift the underlying framework of the body back to the stability of what all healthcare professionals agree is normal.

Dr. Chase can be reached at 860.523.5465
and or

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