Friday, August 30, 2013

Neck Strain: A West Hartford Doctor's Review

Neck strain is more common now that everything that we do is in front of us and makes us hold our head in sustained awkward positions. 

Just because current technology is cool, and wows us we need to understand that our inner frame work of our bodies does not always agree.

This is what I hear from patients, " I get a stiff neck every once in a while but lately it is becoming more frequent and affecting my work, family time (had to be on pain killers on vacation) and now I am getting weakness in my hands".  I get this same story from patients that are; Pediatricians, Restaurateurs, Hair Stylists/Salon Owners, Accountants, Office Assistants and Dentists. What is universal with all these different patients is the surprise at how much degeneration(that we find with Structural Corrective Radiographys) that is in their necks. Moderate to severe Degenerative Disc Disease and Degenerative Joint Disease. And they always say, "how the heck did it get that bad". This statement I have even heard from multiple Medical Doctors, Dentists, Pediatricians and Trauma Doctors.

The following is the explanation for the why neck strain is just the tip of the iceberg in many (not all) cases.

Patient: How did all that damage happen, I never thought it was that bad?

Structural Chiro: You have AHS, which is short for Anterior Head Syndrome.   One of the indicators is that your head is more than 30mm anterior from your thorax. This adds an additional weight of 10 lbs to your spine, in addition you have lost the normal curve which supports the weight of your skull (head). These two issues have caused your spine and discs to rot (degenerate). 

Patient: Why did I not feel this, i mean I just get a stiff neck every once in a while or when I sleep wrong.

Structural Chiro: Your body is marveleous at adapting to your spine outside the normal range, it happens s-l-o-w-l-y, so you will NEVER FEEL degeneration, you will FEEL the muscle stiffness (warning you) that there is more to your stiff neck.

What is commonly done, repeatedly?

Now, most people run to the more common solutions, such as massage, pain pills, muscle relaxores, acupuncture, trainers, conventional chiropractors, physical therapists... all in an effort to help with your stiff neck. And they all do a good job - I have no doubt.

Yet, not one of the above addressed the root cause - AHS (Anterior Head Syndrome) a Primary Structural Condition. They haven't addressed it because they either do not no how, or think it is not important. In my not so humbble professional opinion when I take a structural corrective radiograph of a patients neck and see moderate to severe degeneration ( even in a 21 year old patient) normal structure of your spine is not optional.

If your child had crooked teeth, aside from the ascetics of her smile they will not function properly. So, you start to have a nice relationship with a orthodontist. If your spine is abnormal, it will not function correctly and don't forget your spine houses and protects your nervous system (the system that runs everything else).

So, having a spine in normal range is more than reasonable.

When your spine is in normal range it can carry the weight of your skull and gravity properly, which lessens the forces on your discs, muscles and nerves which will help reduce or eliminate neck strain.

Have a GREAT Day

Dr. Chris

For additional information call: 860.523.5465

ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC of West Hartford Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different). 

Dr. Chris Chase is known for his directive focus to patient care and comprehensive approach to better health.

For additional information call: 860.523.5465

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