Monday, August 12, 2013

West Hartford Migraine Relief: Women Do Have Options

Of all the headaches, mom's know the classic migraine has the ability to knock you off your feet, force you to close off the world, including their kids by making their bedrooms a fortress that defends against  light, sounds (children, TV) and smells.  When a mother avoids her children, then you know how severe a Migraine can be to the sufferer and their family that bares the consequences as well.

Everyone knows when mom has a Migraine. The walking on egg shells, the "not now" responses to the kids, and the altering of plans repeatedly is a consequence of chronic Migraines. This in addition to keeping you from work and in today's climate of uncertainty, repeated absences from work is never good for women's career.

Unlike traditional chiropractors or the more common solutions for Migraines, here at Advanced Chiropractic, we focus on Structural Correction by utilizing gentle specific spinal corrections, structural rehab and complementary recommendations in an effort to correct Anterior Head Syndrome (AHS).

We are all familiar with normal temp: 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. How do we know someone has high blood pressure or normal eyesight? The only way to appreciate abnormal - is to know normal.

When it comes to normal, we're not expecting anyone to be perfect. However if your Head is displaced 30mm or more beyond what's considered acceptable, you have Anterior head Syndrome. You head shifting forward is no different than your car being forced out of alignment.

Because the underlying structure has been shifted (regardless of reason), this deviation of your skull puts abnormal stress on your muscles, ligaments, spinal bones, discs and nerves - forcing them to degenerate or become damaged which can cause Secondary Conditions, in this case a Migraine.

What's normal look like and what does abnormal look like?

The "How Strong Is My Foundation"? picture you can see the dramatic difference between normal on the left and abnormal on the right. At first abnormal shifts of the spine are no big deal. No one has absolutely 100% Perfect structure. However, no different than blood pressure, eyesight, normal weight, there is a range that is considered acceptable and unacceptable.

If your structural shift are outside of what's considered normal, then you will experience one or more of what we refer to as Secondary Conditions or symptoms. The reason we call them Secondary, is because as you may have guessed it's the result of a Primary Structural Condition, like Anterior Head Syndrome.

Secondary Conditions can include, headaches which includes Migraines.

Think of a bowling ball that weighs 12-16 pounds. Anyone can hold a bowling ball close to their chest and it would be very hard to hold that same ball with outstretched arms for any length of time. Now, considering that for every inch your head is forward from your shoulders this adds an additional 10 pounds of force to your spine.

So if your head weighs 15 pounds and is two inches forward, that means an extra 20 pounds of force is being exerted on your spinal bones, muscles, ligaments, disc and nerves - this continuous strain can result in Chronic migraines.

The four signs I look for that are tell tale signs of Primary Structural Condition are:

  1. Anterior Head Syndrome
  2. Degenerated or damaged discs
  3. Nerve Impingement Syndrome
  4. Damaged Degenerated spinal bones
  5. Muscular Spasm?Tension
If you have just one of these indicators then you have a Primary Structural condition, the more indicators means more severe the case.

Just like there are more than one way to cook an egg, there are many ways to treat a migraine. The first step for most women is to take prescription medication. If that doesn't work out, the next step is usually stronger medications including injections. If these do not work out than anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications are prescribed.  My goal is not to give you my opinion about those treatments. The point of this article is to educate you on what choices you do have, so you are able to make the best decision for you, your family and your condition.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, here at Advanced Chiropractic, we focus on the Structural Correction of the spine. We do this with by utilizing specific spinal corrections, structural rehab and complementary recommendations.

Here's how improving AHS is likely to alleviate your Migraine headaches. By correcting the displaced head and cervical spine, you dramatically reduce the pressure on the spinal nerves, which in turn allows the blood vessels to constrict and dilate normally. By reducing the stress on the displaced segments- essentially putting them back in place, we eliminate the pressure on the spinal nerves that are not only causing your pain, but are also inhibiting the optimum function of your nervous system.

There is much more to our unique plan, which is customized to the individual patient, based on our Structural Corrective Examination findings. As well as complementary recommendations, your homework that you do on your own to enhance what we do in our office. 

Have a GREAT Day


Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different).

Dr. Chris Chase
is known for his directive focus to patient care and comprehensive approach to better health.

For additional information, you may inquire at: 860-523-5465 

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