Monday, August 5, 2013

Optimized Structure For Optimal Performance How Optimized Structure Can Help You Be The Very Best Runner With The Least Amount Injury

Optimized Structure For Optimal Performance How Optimized Structure Can Help You Be The Very Best Runner With The Least Amount Injury

Optimized Structure For Optimal Performance for West Hartford Runners
 How Optimized Structure Can Help You Be The Very Best Runner With The Least Amount Of Injuries.
Research says 5,000 steps, with an average person WALKING, generates 640 TONS of force that move through the body at 200MPH+. That's crazy. ANY loss of normal structure is going to show up in runners – there is NO DOUBT, as well as any loss of normal function (and of course they're two sides of the same coin).

1. Optimized Structure dictates Optimized Function (What’s NORMAL)
 Normal’s when you run are:
a.)    Run with a slight forward lean from your ankles
b.)    Toe neutral or down
c.)    Feet must be under or slightly behind hips
d.)   Butt kick
e.)    Mid to forefoot strike
f.)     Hips on a swivel/rotation
g.)    Knee bent
h.)    Run like you are on “egg shells”
What’s Normal Structure? (no one has perfect structure BUT there is a normal range)
  • Slight pronation while you run
  • Heel and ankle in line
  • Normal arch
  • Knee not rotated/twisted
  • Slight anterior tilt of pelvic

2. How strong is your foundation?
Foundation of your body begins at the feet and extends past the knees to the hips; these are the crucial areas that must remain free of abnormal structural shifts. No one has perfect structure, just as in blood pressure and heart rate there are normal ranges. Normal ranges for your structure of feet, knees, hips and spine are crucial for enhanced performance and injury avoidance.

Arches in the feet, low, mid, upper and neck all designed to take the compressive forces. Your Structure if deficient will exacerbate any problems you have in your running form or techniques and your weak spots will become apparent.

3. What are the indicators of poor structure that eventually lead to injuries?

Tell tale indicators:
Taping for swelling, injuries etc are all well and good, but those are all signs of structural abnormalities in the body, of course.
Abnormal shoe wear (back of heel or sides of heel /outside)
Abnormal structural shifts of the feet (over pronated or supinated)
 Anatomical leg length deficiencies or pelvis unleveling (also crucial with cyclists)
Most common and most over looked: Abnormal structural shift of the head relative to the hips

Unable for total knee extension
(AHS or Anterior Head Syndrome)
Leaning at the waist or anterior head lean (LBP,SIJ, Ilio Tibial Band)
Toe up (heel strike/plantar fasciitis, tibialis anterior over worked causing shin splints)

Feet in front of hips (heel strike, ankle, knee, hip or SIJ, LBP – TMJ)
Heel striking (caused by straight up running, feet not under pelvis)
 Pounding gait “pounding pavement” hips locked

4. What Strategies you can implement to enhance your performance and avoid injuries?

Running evaluation by a seasoned veteran (Fleet Feet)
Running techniques and drills while you run (butt kicks)
Proper tools for the job ( Shoes to address foot deviations Taping with proprioceptive tape)
Strength training – lifting weights, squats, kettle bell swings, lunges
Correct Anterior Head Syndrome (Your head leads your body)
Tape is EXCELLENT support, but it does NOT solve problems. It gives the body extra proprioceptive input to make it more receptive to structural correction and it's a good therapeutic support 24 hours a day between visits

5. Conclusion....
Have your gait evaluated. Structure and Function matters, and will eventually if left unchecked wear at normal structure. When normal structure is deficient this will lead to abnormal function. This becomes painful cycle.

Proper running technique, gear, training (with appropriate rest and strength training incorporated), correcting AHS (Anterior Head Syndrome) and incorporating an anti –inflammatory diet will help you be the very best runner with the least amount of injuries.

 Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different). Dr. Chris Chase is known for his directive focus to patient care and comprehensive approach to better health.
For additional information, you may inquire at: 860-523-5465 or visit our site:

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