Monday, August 5, 2013

Back Pain and Bad Posture: What's The Link?

At Advanced Chiropractic we can say for sure this, "Bad Posture is not ONLY muscle imbalance or a need to strengthen your core as many trainers in West Hartford preach". Yes, you will improve posture when you strength train properly and this will not change the structure of your spine at all.

The key is to combine Structural Correction (enhancing the spine and its ligament connections to normal range) and Strength Training (cross-fit, boot-camps, personal training or conventional gyms).

To many personal trainers and conventional chiropractors believe that folks just need one or the other, as a Structural Chiropractor (the only one in West Hartford and the Farmington Valley) I am here to make a strong declarative statement that is not ambiguous, "You need Structural Correction with Complementary Recommendations and Strength Training".

 If you don't have both you will always have half the solution and therefore half the results, incomplete and this will cause you chronic recurring back pain to rear it's ugly head over and over again. This causes you to jump from one temporary solution to the next temporary solution, until drastic measures are necessary, because the "once in a while" back or neck pain has turned into debilitating pain requiring surgery. 

Conventional chiropractors work to relieve pain, get you moving better and decrease muscle spasm and do a fine job, just like physical therapists. Personal trainers work to improve strength, stability and cardiovascular improvement, all worth while and necessary.

Structural Correction is a branch of chiropractic that focuses on bringing your spine back to within normal range to correct Secondary Conditions as; Poor Posture, back pain, neck pain, headaches. It's easy to understand, Structural Correction focuses on the ligaments and normal structure of the vertebrae (spine).

For example, think of your houses foundation, if the foundation is off a few inches, what do you think the Secondary Conditions that would be a result of an abnormal foundation? Cracks in the dry wall, squeaky floors, window and doors not opening properly - of  course. Now, some would put a patch on the dry wall, a nail in the floors and wd-40 on the window frames, yet you and I know that the underlying problem is the foundation and the abnormal frame work.

What would you do? 

Fix the foundation or do the temporary patch up jobs?

Most reasonable people would fix the underlying problem, the foundation - this is Structural Chiropractic in a nutshell. Correction vs. Temporary Patch.

Personal Trainers, Physical Therapist and Conventional Chiropractors are not concerned with bringing your spine back to with in normal range, it's just not their focus.

Structural Correction has one focus correct your spine back to within normal range to help relieve, improve Secondary Conditions, such as low back pain, neck pain, arm pain, sciatica, and headaches including Migraines. And then teach you how to protect your spine once it's corrected.

How do I correct an abnormal spine?

We use specific spinal correction utilizing two different instruments, Structural Rehabilitation with our Remodeling tables and Complementary Recommendations for you to do the other 23 hours of the day you are not in our office. Our focus eliminates the need for aggressive spinal manipulations, having you come in "forever" and we are not good at a "jack of all trades practice" that is why we only focus on Structural Correction.

Mention this blog post for a complimentary consultation, which is a conversation not a commitment and $75 Off Our Complete Structural Corrective Chiropractic Examination, which includes a full series of Structural Corrective Radiography's with Spinal Analysis, Digital Photographic Structural Correction Assessment, Laser Guided In-fared Heat Analysis and Chiropractic, Orthopedic & Neurological Tests with a customized written report, which also includes first day service with Structural Rehabilitation if necessary.  

Have a GREAT Day!

About Dr. Chris...

Dr. Chris Chase is a Chiropractor that focuses on the Structural Correction of the spine at his practice Advanced Chiropractic, located in West Hartford,CT.  In contrast to traditional chiropractors whose goal is to provide temporary relief of pain, Dr. Chase's goal is to shift the underlying framework of the body back to the stability of what all healthcare professionals agree is normal.

Dr. Chase can be reached at 860.523.5465
and or

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