Friday, August 23, 2013

What Back Packs; One West Hartford Doctor's Recommendations.

West Hartford Kids Start School: Back Packs, One Doctors Recommendations.

1.) Make sure they are never heavier than 10% of your child's body weight.
2.) Two strap it (the 80's are gone, no more slinging the back pack over one shoulder)
3.) Two strap with a waist strap is best
4.) Try and get a back pack that has a lumbar cushion (a small cushion at the bottom back of the back pack) this corrects the slouch posture..

5.) Have the Back Pack sit as low as possible on the spine.

Why do the those five?
Science has shown those 5 measures will help your child avoid pain.

Normal structure for your child's spine is her ears over shoulders and shoulders directly over the hips and hips in line with the ankles. In builders terms PLUMB and Level (shoulders level, hips level, etc). When your child wears an inappropriate Back Pack this forces your child to bend forward and hunch her shoulders and jut out her head to carry the uneven load.

This abnormal structural shift of the spine is your child's way of compensating for the load. This places continuous harsh forces on their developing bones, discs, ligaments and nerves and frequently cause the secondary conditions of: back pain, head aches and shoulder pain.

What to do next?

 If your child is hunched over or her head is more than an inch forward or anterior from her shoulders, these are indicators of a structural problem that I correct (shameless plug). Have your daughter and sons back packed checked by a structural chiropractor, we offer a complimentary service of checking your children's back pack. It's quick and no worries I will not try to sell you any Ginsu knives - this is a public service I offer each school year.  Just like any good dentist would tell you if they spotted a problem, it's better to address a problem early then later on.

And, your child's spine protects her nervous system - to me, it just makes sense that getting this right is important.

For additional information call: 860.523.5465

Have a GREAT Day

ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC of West Hartford Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different). 
Dr. Chris Chase is known for his directive focus to patient care and comprehensive approach to better health.
For additional information call: 860.523.5465

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