Wednesday, August 14, 2013

West Hartford Back Pain Relief: Why Curves Matter?

Back pain is like death and taxes, you cannot escape the inevitable. What you can do is realize what are the underlying causes of back pain? Then do everything in your power to optimize your spine to help minimize the damage and maximize your ability to heal and then protect your spinal correction.

Why curves matter?

Up until recently many healthcare professionals (including most chiropractors) thought that the low back curve was suppose to look like a half circle or arc when looking at folks from the side. You know, looking at a person from the front they should be plumb and level.  Now, from recent scientific studies the normal shape of the low back spine is elliptical in shape, with a bigger curve at the bottom (low back) that gradually slopes upward lessening the curve. Look at the picture below, the left image is normal.

 Most chiropractors in West Hartford and the Hartford County are what I consider traditional chiropractors focus on three objectives, they are to improve your range of motion, decrease spasm, and decrease pain.  This is what MOST chiropractors offer in the way of care, and I believe that most of these folks do a great job at what they do.

New way to look at the spine for low back pain relief.

Unlike traditional chiropractors, here at #Advanced Chiropractic, we focus on Structural Correction of the spine by utilizing gentle specific spinal corrections, structural remodeling tables, and complementary recommendations to correct Structural Shifts of the spine.

Normals are critical to understanding abnormal.

We all realize that there is a normal range for blood sugar (just ask any diabetic), normal range for blood pressure and even a normal range for body temperature. If you are outside these normal ranges this indicates a PROBLEM that needs attention. Many folks do not realize this is exactly the case for your spine, the underlying structure of your body does in FACT have a normal range. And when your spine is outside this normal range this leads to Secondary Conditions as low back pain.

How does an abnormal curve of the low back cause low back pain?

Think of the spinal bones (vertebrae) as Lego's stacked neatly on top of each other - STABLE. Non think of Lego's unevenly stacked - UNSTABLE. Your spinal bones must be in the normal range if not, just like the uneven stacked legos your spine will be unstable. This means your spine will not be able to tolerate the continuous harsh forces on your discs, your muscles and of course ligaments and nerves. This leads to damaged, degenerated discs, muscle tension and spasm, and of course pain. This is a structural problem.

What we look for at Advanced Chiropractic?

There are four signs that are clear indicators of a Structural Shift. These indicators are not related to age, or genetics. They are a result of physical trauma (repetitive or cumulative), chemical stress (trans fats, additives, chemicals), and un managed emotional stress and have disrupted the normal function of the spine. They include; 1.) Anterior Head Syndrome 2.) Degenerated/Damaged Vertebrae 3.) Nerve Impingement Syndrome 4.) Degenerated/Damaged Disc.

What is commonly done for low back pain?

First for most people is usually prescription medications. If this does not work out then physical therapy (which they do the same as traditional chiropractic). If that does not work out, then injections to numb the pain.  In many cases when those other treatments do not work out, more evasive procedures are used.

Our approach?

As I mentioned, here at Advanced Chiropractic, we focus on the structural correction of your spine. We do this by utilizing specific gentle structural corrections, structural rehab and complementary recommendations. Our goal is to direct your spine to what's considered normal. By doing so, this will relieve pressure on the discs, which subsequently will relieve pressure on the nerves, thus relieving your low back pain.

Most folks who have acute and chronic low back pain have a low back curve outside normal range, when we enhance your curve to what's considered normal this will take the pressure off your discs. When the pressure is off - this gives your body the chance to heal properly. Healing properly is important to prevent recurring back pain. If your pain is recurring you did not heal properly.

For additional information, or to schedule for a Free Consultation call 860.523.5465

Have a GREAT Day


Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different).

Dr. Chris Chase
is known for his directive focus to patient care and comprehensive approach to better health.

For additional information, you may inquire at: 860-523-5465 

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