We are a unique Chiropractic office that focuses exclusively on a branch of chiropractic called Structural Correction. We focus on a Primary Condition known as (Anterior Head Syndrome or AHS) that leads to common Secondary Conditions or what your family doctor refers to as symptoms. Secondary Conditions that can be a result of the Primary Condition of Abnormal Structure, such as Anterior Head Syndrome are: Neck and Back pain, Arm pain, Pinched Nerve Syndrome, Headaches including Migraines, TMD, TMJ, sciatica, etc.
We do offer a complimentary consultation, which is a conversation NOT a commitment. Because, as you may have already figured out, not every potential patient is right for our services.
If you are looking for something different, please read on and feel free to contact us at 860.523.5465 for additional information or with any questions.
Thank you for stopping at our site.
- Dr. Chris