Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Screwed... Literally 

I meet folks in West Hartford who are skeptical about conventional chiropractic care and I do not blame them.

We are NOT a conventional Chiropractic office, we focus on a branch of Chiropractic called Structural Correction. Here is the big difference between Conventional and Structural Chiropractic.
As you know we DO not use aggressive manipulations, or ask you to "believe" in chiropractic or claim to cure everything.  And many like our approach, they say it just makes sense and is reasonable.

The picture above is that of an unfortunate patient (not at our office) that has under gone major back surgery. Now, after seeing that picture, there is nothing in my office that should scare, intimidate or even cause you to take pause.

What I can say after my years of experience is this; "uncorrected spinal structure will cause damage and degenerate spinal structures which for some will cause major debilitating consequences".

We do Structural Chiropractic to correct abnormal structure from degenerating to such a point where this surgery was performed.

We use two different instruments, a handheld Correcting instrument and our Structural Corrective Table. Again, most conventional chiropractors use their hands with a non-specifc general manipulations - which are safe.

Our goal or focus is structural correction, with that in mind we need to be specific and realize not every vertebra (back bone) needs to be corrected. Our technique is similar to fine tuning of a grand piano vs  using a sledge hammer to persuade a piece of concrete. Specific, gentle with a less is more mindset to patient care.

Detecting is vital, the correction is as much a science and art. That is why we take Structural Films, most conventional chiropractors DO NOT take films anymore. Again, the more specific we are the less force we need to use and results tend to speak for themselves.

Also the hand held instrument delivers forces from mere (3-4) ounces to 40 pounds per square inch - very specific. Also the speed in which that specific force is delivered resonates (beneficial)  with the tissues of the body, mainly your nervous system and ligaments.

And, I know people are hesitant to go to a Conventional Chiropractor because of unnecessary worry about aggressive manipulation - since you have experienced Structural Chiropractic or now know about about our gentle specific correction, when people ask about our office you can honestly say we are gentle and specific - different than most conventional chiropractors.

Who should be our patient?
Patients who have periodic reoccurring symptoms, chronic patients, and those who have been to other conventional chiropractors and/or physical therapists, and have not experienced significant correction.

Many Secondary Conditions, such as; back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches and TMJ have been helped by correcting abnormal structure.

Plus, our technique gets results, in  my not so humble opinion.
Have a GREAT Day!

About Dr. Chris...

Dr. Chris Chase is a Chiropractor that focuses on the Structural Correction of the spine at his practice Advanced Chiropractic, located in West Hartford,CT.  In contrast to traditional chiropractors whose goal is to provide temporary relief of pain, Dr. Chase's goal is to shift the underlying framework of the body back to the stability of what all healthcare professionals agree is normal.

Dr. Chase can be reached at 860.523.5465
and  www.advancedwesthartford.com or  www.facebook.com/advancedwesthartford1

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