Friday, July 12, 2013

Top Ten Supplements To Enhance Your Health

Top Ten Supplements To Enhance Your Health

We’ve come a long way since our grandparents Geritol (multivitamin).   Now there are hundreds maybe even a few thousand different supplements you can buy ranging from the exotic to the mundane Vitamin C.

Now, as a Structural Corrective Chiropractor/Healthcare provider I know you DO NOT need bags full of supplements to take daily.  That is NOT necessary and I also know there ARE helpful supplements that are valuable to optimum health.

Here are my top supplements that I recommend:

  1. Omega-3 EPA/DHA
  2. ECG
  3. Vitamin D
  4. ALA
  5. CoQ10
  6. B12
  7. Glucosamine
  8. Chondrotin
  9. Turmeric
  10. Cal/Mag
The list above, does NOT mean you should take all ten. That would be foolish.  The above list is the most common I recommend for our patients. My recommendation is based on science and customized with a strategic plan to optimize your results. A solution that is based on a plan, with goals and objective indicators vs. the take this or that or try this then that approach. 

For example, it makes no sense to recommend Vit D in the summer time for the average person. Just go outside for 30mins daily and expose most of your skin to the beautiful sun.  Yet, in February living in West Hartford, you bet your running shoes taking Vit D is PRUDENT.

This is why it is important to have a trusted adviser (that would be me – shameless plug) to guide you or at least give you a second opinion on what you are taking, in regards to supplements.

For example, should a runner, Crossfitter or tennis player be taking the same supplements or could there be some overlap and specific supplements in regards to specific training needs?  Specifics and details makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

What if you are on medications? 

What supplements are safe and beneficial to enhance your treatment from your family doctor? Especially, if you are on statin medications, there are two that I recommend that have dramatically helped patients.

In our practice we have a DRAMATIC usage of supplements from the guy who thinks/believes he needs nothing to the patient who comes in with 20 different supplements including medications.


The correct way is to have a reasonable approach that includes specific knowledge in how your body works and how these supplements interact with certain medications. In addition, what changes can you do with your diet to minimize supplementation needs to be addressed.

What are your goals, age, fitness level, sports and recreation, diet and medicines you are taking – all of these factors plus any health indicators should be play the predominate role in your decision and choice of supplement routine. As a Structural Chiropractic (different than traditional chiropractor), we are concerned with your nervous system and the inner frame work of your body that houses and PROTECTS your nervous system – your spine. 

So any food or supplement that enhances brain function, nerve function, reduces chronic inflammation is excellent and reasonable goal.  You see, there is never a silver bullet and a silver strategy is reasonable.  Not only do we detect and correct abnormal spinal structure, we also give you complementary recommendations to enhance your care.  This way you can protect your health.

Supplements are NOT candy – they will change your body’s physiology, no joke. If you are serious about your health and/or performance, then this is reasonable. If you believe taking a daily multi-vitamin is plenty and good enough for everyone regardless of their lifestyle, ask yourself; “Does that sound remotely reasonable”?

Have a GREAT Day!

About Dr. Chris…

Dr. Chris Chase is a Chiropractor that focuses on the Structural Correction of the spine at his practice Advanced Chiropractic, located in West Hartford, CT.  In contrast to traditional chiropractors whose goal is to provide temporary relief of pain, Dr. Chase’s goal is to shift the underlying framework of the body back to the stability of what all healthcare professionals agree is normal.

Dr. Chase can be reached at 860.523.5465 
and or

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