Wednesday, July 10, 2013

TMJ: One Solution You Should Consider

I work with many Dentists in West Hartford. Some Dentists (not all) realize, when it comes to TMD (Temporal Mandibular Disorder aka TMJ) that there is a Primary Condition which they know is occurring in the neck.

These Dentist call me in (Structural Chiropractor – a branch off of chiropractic that is different from traditional chiropractor) to assist in addressing the Primary Structural Condition in the spine. This Primary Structural Condition is called, A.H.S or Anterior Head Syndrome and has a primary role in TMD.

You see when the spine, specifically the upper portion of your neck has abnormally shifted anterior or forward more than an inch – this produces harsh forces on the muscles of the neck and jaw. Your Jaw, has a very specific alignment, just like your neck and when these joints are outside normal range Secondary Conditions show their ugly head, such as TMD, pain, headaches,grinding, poor sleep, poor posture, etc.

Common approaches for TMD are:

  • pain medications
  • muscle relaxers
  • dental orthotic
  • tens unit
  • Dental surgery
What our solution entails, is correcting the abnormal positioning of the spine back to with in normal range along with a dental orthotic if the TMD is severe enough and if it is warranted from the Dentist.

You see, the above common approaches only get to the surface pain and NOT the underlying Primary Structural Condition. 

Our combined care reduces or eliminates AHS (Anterior Head Syndrome) which removes the harsh forces off the muscles of the jaw and neck, then we work with your nerves to help them regain normal information flow to the jaw joint – the technical name for this is neuro-muscluar-structural correction or (I know a mouth full) structural correction to keep it simple.

This is why our approach is successful when many other treatments have failed – we look to the Primary Condition, while others (which even when they give temporary relief) only look to treating symptoms.

Something to think about....

Every time you open your mouth your neck muscle contract or tighten. Think about that… every time you  eat, talk or yawn your neck muscles are active.

Now, if your spine is outside normal range each time your mouth opens this adds harsh forces of pressure onto your jaw and neck joints, resulting in pain, headaches, etc.  Structural Chiropractic care (our care) is a smart opportunity that should be at the top of your list of considerations if you have TMD.  If results matter than the technique matters

Have a GREAT Day!

About Dr. Chris...

Dr. Chris Chase is a Chiropractor that focuses on the Structural Correction of the spine at his practice Advanced Chiropractic, located in West Hartford, CT.  In contrast to traditional chiropractors whose goal is to provide temporary relief of pain, Dr. Chase's goal is to shift the underlying framework of the body back to the stability of what all healthcare professionals agree is normal.

Dr. Chase can be reached at 860.523.5465
and or

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