Friday, July 26, 2013

Sciatica: A Different Approach

Sciatica, which many people experience as a pain in the back side with traveling pain that can reach the toes. Besides the pain, many have numbness and weakness in their legs - not pleasant. Even if the pain goes away on it's own, it often will come back a few weeks to a few months later, especially with people who have chronic dull low back stiffness and occasional pain.

You have options...

Common solutions people have tried, include:

  1. Doing nothing
  2. Over the counter medications
  3. Trip to your GP for prescription meds, usually anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers
  4. Conventional Chiropractic and/or Physical Therapy (they do the same thing basically, help with pain, how you move and spasm - good folks and I have no doubt they accomplish their goal)
  5. Nerve injections 
  6. Surgeries
  7. More surgeries
  8. Pain management with pain pills
What we do is vastly different than the above common solutions you have available, now I am not saying better and what I want you to know is we are attacking your Secondary Condition - Sciatica, differently. By differently, we will be looking at the Primary Condition to correct.

This is what we look for when evaluating your spine. Everyone realizes that there are normal ranges for every body function, from eye sight, blood pressure to body temperature. Your spine has a normal range, when your spine is outside normal range this places abnormal pressures on your bones, discs, ligaments, muscles and nerves. Look at the below picture, the left is normal and the right is abnormal - see the difference. Can you see how reasonable it is to say, if your spine is outside normal range then Secondary Conditions like sciatica are likely to occur. 

The indicators that shows a Primary Structural Problem are:

Degenerated (Damaged vertebrae)
Degenerated (Damaged disc)
Nerve Impingement Syndrome
Anterior Head Syndrome
Muscle tension or Spasm

Now, if you have just ONE indicator then you have a structural problem and the more indicators you have of course the worse your condition has become. Also the longer you wait to correct your spine the worse the problem becomes - even if you feel okay. You DO NOT feel DEGENERATION or Damage.

Our Solution is to improve your inner frame work using our Specific Spinal Instrument Corrections, our remodeling tables for Structural Rehab and Complementary Recommendations to enhance what we do for you in the office for the other 23 hours of the day you are not in my office.

You see when your spine is normal range, then your body can deal with all the harsh pressures adequately, normally - like your body should. This gives your body the opportunity to heal from the damage and prevent future damage.

We are not good for just a pulled muscle, or Physical Therapy services. We are fantastic for correcting the structure of your spine and we will have a detailed, written, customized plan of care to maximize your results.

Have a GREAT Day!

About Dr. Chris...

Dr. Chris Chase is a Chiropractor that focuses on the Structural Correction of the spine at his practice Advanced Chiropractic, located in West Hartford,CT.  In contrast to traditional chiropractors whose goal is to provide temporary relief of pain, Dr. Chase's goal is to shift the underlying framework of the body back to the stability of what all healthcare professionals agree is normal.

Dr. Chase can be reached at 860.523.5465
and or

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