Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Breast Augmentation: What Else Enhances The New You?

Breast augmentation is common and has many beneficial outcomes. In my practice I have seen breast reductions just as often as I have seen breast enhancements. What is common for both situations is a desire to look and feel better.
So what is a Chiropractor who focuses on Structural Correction of the spine talking about breast augmentation?
Good question. Please read on.

Back pain, as you can image for women with breasts that are considered out of proportion with the rest of their features plays a significant role in back pain, along with the social and mental aspects. It's much more than bad posture especially,  if the woman developed early in life (early bloomer) compared to her class mates.  This causes usually a rounded shoulder, hunched look - in an ill attempt to "hide" her breast development (out of fear of attention and criticism).
How Strong Is Your Foundation? Normal is on the Left abnormal is on your right.
Our patient post breast augmentation (breast reduction), with an abnormal structural shift of her mid back (thoracic spine).
Black LINE indicates NORMAL the RED Line is where she was and is ABNORMAL
As the old saying goes, "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree". 
The young girl grows into a young women with the pronounced rounded shoulders and hunched back. This is NOT just bad posture. These young women have changed the shape of their normal spinal structure to outside the normal range. Even with the breast augmentation, the abnormal spinal shift remains and detracts from the over all ascetic of the young women form.

See the example below:

We've all seen a spine before and I'll guess the last time you have seen a spine was probably your  High School Biology class.
The example to the left is a BEFORE Standing Neutral lateral radiography of the Thoracic spine - just means this is the side view of a patients mid back.
At the top, where the number 2 or Second Thoracic vertebra is located- is the very top of your thoracic spine (mid back), and down by the number 10 or tenth thoracic vertebra is the lower portion of the mid back.
To the right is the anterior or where your chest is, to the left is the posterior or back.

What's Normal?

Normal range for the thoracic spine (mid back) is the black line.  The red dashed line is abnormal, the red arrows indicate Degenerative Disc and Joint Disease or Osteoarthritis. Notice the disc spacing between the vertebrae (back bone) at the levels 7 & 8 & 9 - notice how thin the spacing appears.  

This young female patient had moderate to sever mid back pain, and she had moderate hunch back or granny hump appearance, which is the primary reason she sought out our unique focus of care.  Even after she had her breast reduction surgery.

How she appeared and her health are big factors for her, much like teeth on a child or adult when they are crooked. The Orthodontists straightens the teeth to function better AND have a pleasing smile as well. Same principle with our care, to Structurally Correct for Optimum Health and to enhance your symmetry, which is ascetically desirable.  The surgeons with their skills reduced the patients breast significantly - however the structural damage was done. The breast reduction helped tremendously (and I recommended this procedure), yet our care enhanced the total outcome the patient desired.
This AFTER Radiographic (X-ray) study of the same female patient AFTER her Initial Phase of Care that was customized to her needs.

Look at the Dramatic difference. And as a bonus to the patient look at the spacing between 5 & 6 - 8, all gained height.

The patients symptoms or as I call them Secondary Conditions, the reason I use the word Secondary because they are a result of the Primary Abnormal Structural Shift of the Thoracic spine.

In other words, her mid back was outside the normal range causing increased pressure on her discs, stress and strain to the muscles, ligaments and obviously the bones.
This Primary Condition Anterior Head Syndrome, also distracts from the ascetics of our patient (the goosed neck appearance).
But this is only half the story you see, the spine is like links in a chain, if one link or section of links are abnormal this can effect the other section- just look at the Radiography of the Cervical Spine or neck, which was contributing to this patients mid back pain and appearance.

As you know this is the side view BEFORE radiography of our patients cervical spine, and as you can already tell the black line is normal and the red line is abnormal.
Because of the abnormal structural shift (Anterior Head Syndrome) of the skull relative to our patients thoracic, or the classic goosed neck" appearance - this causes abnormal forces or increased weight, by at least 10 pounds(the weight of a bowling ball) to primarily the neck but also the mid back. In other words if I just looked at her mid back and not her ENTIRE spine, then the most important piece of the puzzle would of been missed - leading to a less than ideal out come for our patient. 

What our patients come to understand, and we realize that most patients want the "patch up job" - yet, once they have had a few patches, they look for something more in line with our service, which is Structural Corrective Chiropractic Care. I'm not saying our care is better, what I will say we have a different focus that our patients appreciate.  

Young women, girls are more and more at risk because of our modern life style (Texting, computer games), which leads to a commonly called structural condition called Texting Neck or Anterior Head Syndrome

Our focus is to correct this abnormal structure so you or your child can live pain free, look their optimum and function normally.  It's easy to understand, once your spine is in the normal range, this gives your body the chance to heal. The tension is no longer on the bones, muscle, disc and nerves.

Think of your satellite dish on your house and the wires that run to the box on your tv, if those wires are interfered with - what do you think the signal would be... blurry right.
Well, this is similar to what happened in our case above when her spine was abnormal.... this caused interference, and  the inference had accumulated over a long period of time, resulting in  Secondary Conditions, such as; Headaches, TMJ and Mid Back pain along with a dramatic disadvantageous appearance.

Our focus is to detect and then correct abnormal structure of the spine in girls and young women to help them function optimally and enhance their look. We do this well and is all we do - we do not dabble in other procedures(which is an option many (not all)of my colleagues like to offer), we focus exclusively on structural correction.

Have a GREAT Day!

Dr. Chris and the Advanced Crew....
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