Thursday, July 11, 2013

Do You Really Have To Do An Exam: Would You Buy A House Without First Looking Inside?

A prospective patient called and asked, " Do You Really Have To Do An Exam" ?
Great question, since I get the wow - response when I let our patients know how long and exactly what our examination entails.

Our examination includes Structural Corrective Radiography's, taken in the standing position. This is important because it's best to visualize Structural Shifts while weight bearing or standing.

Laying down reduces these abnormal shifts or "hides" the true picture. The Structural Corrective Analysis, is the process we use to measure in degrees and millimeters the abnormal Structural Shift. (No one has a perfect spine, yet their is a normal range.)


For example if your skull is translated anterior in regards to your thorax more than an inch - this is abnormal. Or in simpler terms, if you have a goosed neck look more than an inch - this is abnormal.

Our Digital Structural Analysis, involves unique software that measures normal from abnormal from digital pictures. So, we get a good look of what you present with and then a better look at the inner frame work, your spine with the Structural Corrective Radiography's - basically looking at you from head to toe and inside and out.

Through I know, this helps get it right the first time.We follow up with a detailed functional exam, Structure and Function are related. If abnormal spinal structural shift is present, this can effect the function of your nerves, muscles and how well you move. So, we do look at your Range of Motion, Orthopedic and Neurological checks - which include more than 30 different checks. And of course our palpation exam, where we feel the areas effected; looking for muscle spasm, tenderness, heat or redness (as with inflammation).

To answer the question: Why is do the exam?

Because, the examination provides us with the vital information to tailor a specific Initial Phase of Care that fits your condition. We are not baking a cake, we are working with an individual and our plan must benefit the uniqueness of the individual.

We are not an assembly line type of practice that is so common today.Plus, our recommendations involve not only our practice, but what you need to do on your own... as well as what you must avoid to regain or enhance your health.

We plan for you what you need to do the other 23 hours of the day you are not in our office. But, all this begins with your consultation an our Structural Corrective Examination.

Have a GREAT Day!

About Dr. Chris...

Dr. Chris Chase is a Chiropractor that focuses on the Structural Correction of the spine at his practice Advanced Chiropractic, located in West Hartford, CT.  In contrast to traditional chiropractors whose goal is to provide temporary relief of pain, Dr. Chase's goal is to shift the underlying framework of the body back to the stability of what all healthcare professionals agree is normal.

Dr. Chase can be reached at 860.523.5465
and or

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