Tuesday, October 22, 2013

West Hartford Chiropractor Unveils New Site

Dr. Chris Chase a West Hartford Structural chiropractor and owner of Advanced Chiropractic has unveiled their new web site. This new site should be easier for folks to navigate, said Dr. Chris.

Here is the new link; Advanced Chiropractic.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Degenerated Disc & Neck Pain: How Does It Happen?

Degenerated (damaged) disc and degenerated (damaged) joint disease are not a result of age or heredity. Many of our patients are in their twenty and thirties with moderate to severe Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD for short) and there are older patients that have mild DDD in some parts of their spine. If DDD was age related then all of the spinal bones would degenerate at the same rate. We never see this in practice, what is most common , especially in the cervical (neck) spine is two or three joints with moderate DDD and the remaining joints are normal or have mild DDD.

Many patients ask, "How did I get this way and what can you do to help"?

Your cervical spine (neck) has a normal range, just like you have a normal range for eyesight, a normal range for blood pressure, and a normal range for body temperature. We all realize that if you are outside normal range, lets say for example for body temperature then you have a fever. When your spine is outside normal range this creates the process of degeneration of spinal bones and discs.

How does spinal bones and discs degenerate when the spine is outside normal range?

Your vertebrae (spinal bones) are easily influenced by abnormal pressure, think of your spinal bones as coral. The coral is alive and will change shape due to pressure, same as your spinal bones. Your disc is as tough as a NHL hockey puck. And, because it is filled with fluid, we all remember that fluids cannot be compressed (think hydrolic hoses for back hoes)this means the bones will adapt to the pressure and change shape (degenerate).

Now, this abnormal pressure also causes the joints not to move properly (you notice this by your reduced turning ability, by having to turn your whole body to back out of a parking space). Also your muscles become tense, tight and spasm to protect your spine from further going outside normal range. As well as the discs start to desiccate (dry up). You see your cervical (neck) discs need proper motion for proper health height.

Lose proper structure you lose proper motion. Bones degenerate, discs dry up, ligaments change shape and muscles tighten. This cause Secondary Conditions of : neck pain, upper back pain, numbness and tingling, weakness, etc.

What can you do?

Traditionally, the goal is to get you out of pain and get you moving better, this is done by...

  1. Physical therapy
  2. Massage
  3. Pain medication
  4. Traditional Chiropractic
  5. Surgery
  6. Pain management
I have no doubt that the above methods have helped. What those methods do not address is a primary structural condition called A. H. S. or Anterior Head Syndrome.

AHS, has five objective indicators that no one that really understands anatomy could disagree, be it a Neurosurgeon or a Structural Corrective Chiropractor.

The indicators are:

  1. Head anterior/forward more than 30mm or 1 inch from the shoulders
  2. Degenerative Disc Disease (damaged Disc)
  3. Nerve Impingement Syndrome (NIS)
  4. Muscular spasm/tension
  5. Degenerative Joint Disease (damaged spinal bones)
As a Structural Corrective Chiropractor which is different than Traditional Chiropractic, our goal is to enhance the structure of your spine back into the normal range. Once the structure of your spine has improved more towards normal this decreases the harsh pressures on your spinal bones and discs, which then helps relieve or improve your Secondary conditions of pain, headaches, numbness and tingling. 

We do this with gentle specific spinal corrections which is not manipulation, structural rehabilitation and complementary recommendations to enhance what we do in the office and so that you do not become dependent on our services. We teach you how to protect what we've corrected.

What we don't do....

We do not have you under care forever.
We do not claim to cure everything, we are only focused on correcting your spinal structure.
We do not perform aggressive spinal manipulations.
We do not accept everyone, some folks we can not help.

The best type of patient is someone who has been to everyone else and is still having issues or someone who has had problems treated yet they still pop up from time to time and are becoming more frequent affecting your day to day activities. If this is you, then our office should be sought out for at least a conversation about your condition. 

We are excellent at tough cases.

For additional information call: 860.523.5465

ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC of West Hartford Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different). 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Advanced Chiropractic of West Hartford Donates To...

Advance Chiropractic is donating $90 to Unite For Light, this is a group that is bringing lights to the athletic fields of Conard and Hall High School, here in West Hartford.

The event is a "tailgate" party and will be an excellent time with guest host Colin Cowherd of ESPN

Here is the link: www.uniteforlight.com

West Hartford Chiropractor Answers Patient Question: I am getting better, but why?

Patient Question: I am getting better, but why?

Dr. Chris: I ask the patient for their hand and move a finger up and down. Then I have them close their eyes and tell me which way I moved it.

They say either up or down, and I ask them how they knew. They usually say, "I felt "

And, I then explain what that "felt it" means is that every joint and muscle in the body is hardwired to the brain. It is essential for the brain to constantly keep track of where we are in space.

As you know, the brain is an electrical system, but we don't have batteries or a charger. The brain is powered up by sensation.

The majority of brain input comes from joints and muscles spindles in the spine (special muscle nerves) as well as the vestibular or balance system.

If there is a problem with the slight movement of any of the vertebrae(spinal bone), you probably wouldn't notice it, but over time, it reduces the input (quality information) to the brain.

That is called subluxation or Structural Shift. Couple that with trauma, toxicity, inactivity, prolonged sitting, etc. and you get chronic health issues.

We do corrections to stimulate the spine and ultimately increase the function of the brain. This in turn helps your body heal your Secondary Conditions. 

For additional information call: 860.523.5465

ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC of West Hartford Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different). 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

West Hartford Chiropractor Donates To The Rise Up Group

This is a group that is doing good things for young people in the community and Advanced Chiropractic is happy to donate a TempurPedic Pillow as a door prize for their up coming event, here is the link: http://www.theriseupgroup.org/
What is the Rise Up Group?
RiseUP was founded in 2012 by a group of recent UConn graduates who realized that there is a lack of support given to our youth in urban communities.

RiseUP's Mission:

To empower our youth to become the catalysts to UPLIFT and INSPIRE urban communities

RiseUP's Vision:

Is focused on education and fostering a sense of social entrepreneurship that transcends school walls by embedding ourselves within local neighborhoods. We pair every Scholar with a Personal Champion and utilize our structured network of passionate individuals to provide the framework, confidence and support needed to overcome socioeconomic and cultural barriers.

RiseUP’s Goal:

To provide our Scholars with the necessary resources needed to achieve their maximum level of academic excellence, personal growth, and professional prosperity. RiseUP’s “pay it forward” philosophy will drive social equality in our partner schools and communities.


For additional information call: 860.523.5465

ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC of West Hartford Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different).