Wednesday, October 2, 2013

West Hartford Chiropractor Answers Patient Question: I am getting better, but why?

Patient Question: I am getting better, but why?

Dr. Chris: I ask the patient for their hand and move a finger up and down. Then I have them close their eyes and tell me which way I moved it.

They say either up or down, and I ask them how they knew. They usually say, "I felt "

And, I then explain what that "felt it" means is that every joint and muscle in the body is hardwired to the brain. It is essential for the brain to constantly keep track of where we are in space.

As you know, the brain is an electrical system, but we don't have batteries or a charger. The brain is powered up by sensation.

The majority of brain input comes from joints and muscles spindles in the spine (special muscle nerves) as well as the vestibular or balance system.

If there is a problem with the slight movement of any of the vertebrae(spinal bone), you probably wouldn't notice it, but over time, it reduces the input (quality information) to the brain.

That is called subluxation or Structural Shift. Couple that with trauma, toxicity, inactivity, prolonged sitting, etc. and you get chronic health issues.

We do corrections to stimulate the spine and ultimately increase the function of the brain. This in turn helps your body heal your Secondary Conditions. 

For additional information call: 860.523.5465

ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC of West Hartford Dr. Chris Chase - Certified Structural Correction Chiropractor, Dr. Chris is the only Structural Chiropractor in West Hartford, and surrounding communities.  ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC is a company that offers Structural Correction services for women, children and men - which is different from traditional chiropractors (not better BUT significantly different). 

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